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Figure 2
Wavelength distribution in the neutron guide system of KWS-2 simulated using McStas, showing the white beam before the velocity selector (green line) and the beam after the velocity selector rotating at a speed of 28 200 r min−1 and with different tilt angles (blue: −10°; black: 0°; brown: +10°); the symbols represent simulations at the end of the `S-shaped' guide, for the same tilting angles; the red lines denote the fits of the Gaussian distributions which delivered the Δλ/λ for the three setups. The transmission factors for the three different wavelengths can be directly determined from the figure.

Journal logoJOURNAL OF
ISSN: 1600-5767
Volume 48| Part 6| December 2015| Pages 1849-1859
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