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Figure 1
(Top) The model of magnetic microstructure and the comparison of its scattering pattern with correlation functions. (Top left) A sketch of an idealized two-dimensional grain microstructure. Regions with different materials parameters (e.g. saturation magnetization) are distinguished by their colour. (Top right) The smooth variation of the magnetization near saturation in the presence of an external field H0 is characterized by a correlation length which extends over several cells. (Bottom) (a)–(d) Contour plots of normalized spin-misalignment SANS cross section at applied magnetic fields as indicated. (e)–(h) The corresponding two-dimensional correlation functions. Courtesy of Mettus & Michels (2015BB1).

Journal logoJOURNAL OF
ISSN: 1600-5767
Volume 48| Part 6| December 2015| Pages 1617-1618
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