Figure 1
(a) Scanning electron microscopy image of nanowires in a solar cell, standing on the growth substrate. Scale bar 1 µm, tilt 45°. Stubs from broken off nanowires can be seen in the lower part. (b) Drawing depicting the crystalline nanowire with its p-i-n doping structure, the amorphous SiO2 film and the polycrystalline ITO layer. The thicknesses of the layers have been exaggerated for clarity. (c) Scanning electron microscopy image of the nanowire that was investigated for this paper, lying on the Si3N4 membrane, taken after the experiments. The red ring shows the size of the nanofocused X-ray beam. (d) Drawing showing the experimental setup, as seen from above. Two detectors were used, of which the Pilatus 1M closer to the sample could be moved in the horizontal direction, in and out of the small-angle beam. Examples of parts of detector images are shown, with the scale in pixels. The color scales have been adjusted to enhance the visibility of the streaks from the nanowire, which makes the high-intensity central regions appear oversaturated. In the small-angle detector images there are vertical and horizontal streaks from the KB mirrors. |