Figure 2
Rotational alignment. (a) Overview dark-field STXM image of the nanowire sample. Scale bar 10 µm, step size 200 nm. Several nanowires can be seen lying on the Si3N4 membrane. The horizontal stripes are due to variations in the synchrotron ring current. (b) High-resolution dark-field STXM image of a single nanowire from the boxed area in (a). Scale bar 1 µm, step size 100 nm. (c) Drawing depicting the nanowire as seen facing the beam. The (111) planes are oriented orthogonal to the long axis. Therefore, the scattering vector q is parallel to the nanowire long axis. The angle between the nanowire and the horizontal y axis is α = 16°. (d) Drawing depicting the nanowire as seen from above. The sample was rotated around the vertical z axis. The rotation around the vertical z axis, θz, needed to meet the Bragg condition is larger than the Bragg angle, θB, owing to the rotation α. |