Figure 8
(a) Evolution of the normalized intensity of the diffraction maximum at ∼16.1° 2θ Cu Kα (Irel; see text for details) as a function of sample Ca/Si ratio. Data presented in Fig. 4 and additional data acquired for the present study (XRD patterns not shown) are shown with solid purple triangles pointing to the left. These data are compared with literature data, shown with solid red circles (Noma et al., 1998 ), solid blue triangles pointing to the top (Matsuyama & Young, 2000 ), solid cyan triangles pointing to the bottom (Renaudin et al., 2009 ), solid green diamonds (Sugiyama, 2008 ) and solid light-green squares (Garbev, Beuchle et al., 2008 ; Garbev, Bornefeld et al., 2008 ). Only studies performed on dried samples were considered, as this band may be influenced by the content of interlayer water. Data scattering is probably a result of the normalization procedure (related both to the data digitalization method and to the fact that some studies did not present data for samples having a Ca/Si of ∼0.6) and a possible variable content of, for example, interlayer Ca. The solid grey line is the best linear fit to the data (y = −0.913x + 1.597; r2 = 0.9). (b), (c) Calculations that show the dependence of XRD patterns on the occupancy of Si bridging tetrahedra in the wollastonite-like chains (b) (solid black, dashed purple and dotted blue lines are calculations where the occupancy of Si bridging tetrahedra is, respectively, 1, 0.5 and 0) and on the abundance of interlayer water (c) (solid black, dashed purple and dotted blue lines are calculations where the number of interlayer water molecules is, respectively, 0.5, 0.25 and 0 per layer calcium). |