Figure 1
Plotting calculated partiality (red line) against estimate of partiality (yellow fill) by comparing against the reference data set, plotted against the Ewald sphere wavelength for the midpoint of each reflection. These are two models plotted vertically in four resolution shells to 1.6 Å resolution. The left and right models use two different bases: on the left, post-refinement has been carried out with a bandwidth of 0.18% and 0° mosaicity. On the right, the bandwidth was lowered to 0.07% and the mosaicity was increased to 0.03°. Both the bandwidth model and the mosaicity model were calculated with a super-Gaussian exponent of 1.5. The four panels on each side correspond to reflections at increasing resolution. The agreement is fairly close for both models at mid to high resolution, but the mosaicity model has a more erratic structure at low resolution. Overall, the correlation coefficient is reduced for the mosaicity model (89%) compared to the bandwidth model (96%), which suggests that a bandwidth model is preferred for the highly ordered CPV17 polyhedrin crystals from which these data were collected. |