Figure 7
Rotation-group refinement for a simulated reconstruction of TMV on the CXI endstation (see Table 1 ). Shown here are the central sections of the reconstructed three-dimensional diffraction volume of TMV after 55 iterations. With 90 Intel Xeon X7542 (2.67 GHz) cores, this full reconstruction took less than 6 h, taking 15 min for each of the slowest refinement iterations using 204 960 rotation-group samples. Red dashed lines in the r.m.s. model change mark when the refinement level of the rotation group was increased by one. In the bottom right-hand plot, rows are colored by each photon pattern's most likely orientation number, which stabilizes after 20 iterations and thereafter quickly re-stabilizes when we increase the rotation-group refinement. The rows (pattern indices) are sorted according to the most likely orientation indices of the last iteration in each rotation-sampling block, which produces a smooth color spectrum along this final column. Since the number of quaternions (quat) increases with rotation refinement, blocks of higher refinement show a wider color spectrum. See §3.2.1 for details. |