Figure 8
Deterministic annealing in a simulated reconstruction on the AMO endstation with high photon fluence (see Table 1 ). This reconstruction was performed by doubling the β parameter (§3.2.2 ) every ten iterations, starting from β = 0.001. Doublings occur at the dashed black lines in the diagnostic plots in the bottom row, where the ten-iteration interval was chosen to allow the intermediate reconstructions to stabilize. This stabilization can be judged by the asymptotic saturation of the average mutual information in every β block. After 80 iterations (β = 0.256), this increase was stopped as there did not seem to be much further improvement in the average mutual information. After this, the rotational sampling rate was increased from six to the target of nine. As in the CXI reconstruction (Fig. 7 ), this was done in order to save computational time by doing fewer iterations at the highest sampling. |