Figure 4
Intensities of peaks including error bars and approximations of the model of elliptical cross section [solid lines: cut through peaks (0k); dashed lines: cut through (hh); dotted lines: cut through (1k); dash–dotted lines: cut through (h1)]. (a)–(c) Spin-coated samples prepared at (a) 5000 r min−1, (b) 2000 r min−1 and (c) 500 r min−1. (d)–(h) Dip-coated samples prepared at withdrawal speeds of (d) 2 mm s−1, (e) 6 mm s−1, (f) 8 mm s−1, (g) 10 mm s−1 at low humidity and (h) 2 mm s−1 at high humidity. |