Figure 2
The GenApp and SASSIE infrastructures. (a) The use of GenApp to generate applications. The generator (green box) reads application definitions, module definitions and chosen target language information to assemble the application instances. Examples of target languages are shown in the cyan boxes (adapted from Brookes et al., 2015 ). In application to SASSIE, GenApp is able to take any set of executables (created using any set of programming languages) compatible with a certain platform (e.g. Windows or Linux) and present them together in the single web interface that is shown in Fig. 3(a). (b) In the SASSIE workflow, the schematic relationships between the SASSIE framework and five of the six main modules within SASSIE are shown within the cyan box. These modules are assembled using the GenApp deployment infrastructure. The two inputs for SASSIE are shown in yellow boxes. The two outputs from SASSIE are shown in green boxes. At this point, a decision is required in terms of whether the modelling is completed (red box). |