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Figure 4
SAXS measurement errors after buffer subtraction. SAXS measurement of cytochrome c (24 mg ml−1) obtained (a) at a sychrotron source (BM29, ESRF, Grenoble) and (b) from our in-house source (Department of Physics, LMU Munich). The propagated standard errors for the buffer-subtracted measurement from single exposures of sample and buffer are shown as red symbols. The black lines are co-plots of equation (8)[link] with the red data, using the exact number of pixels per q bin for the respective setups and determining the contrast factor c by dividing the buffer by the sample intensity at qarb = 0.2 Å−1 [synchrotron: c = 0.69, I(qarb) = 14.20; in-house setup: c = 0.68, I(qarb) = 2.30]. The green lines show fits of equation (10)[link] to the data, with k as a free fitting parameter (synchrotron: k = 6104; in-house setup: k = 4298). The blue data points show the variance in the intensity determined from repeat exposures (synchrotron: ten exposures of 4 s each; in-house setup: three exposures of 3 h each) for comparison.

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