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Figure 2
Intensity at different temperatures and under vacuum along (a) the vertical and (b) the horizontal directions in Fig. 1[link]. The black arrow points to the weak isotropic diffuse scattering. (c) Variation of the integrated intensities of the 001, 001gr and 10 reflections as a function of temperature. Integration was performed over Q in the vertical and horizontal directions for the 001 and 10 reflections, respectively. (d) Variation of the interlayer distance d001 as a function of temperature under vacuum (black filled circles) and in air (red open circles). Bottom inset: variation of the interlayer distance d001 in the temperature range [473–573 K] after a time lapse of 12 h at 473 K. Top inset: variation of the FWHM of the 001 reflection.

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