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Figure 4
USAXS–SAXS–WAXS during in situ annealing of a ternary Ni alloy. The combined USAXS–SAXS data show structural alloy evolution beginning from the homogenized material, exhibiting a flat high-q region (red) progressing to formation and growth of precipitates. The inset shows the corresponding WAXS, revealing the change in phase composition. The 100 reflection grows with the shift in the high-q population, consistent with growth of the [{\gamma}^{{\prime}}] phase. The black line shows one example of the hierarchical model used to fit the data over time. The lines underneath show the linearly superposed fitting components of the grain structure, the time-invariant PSD and the dynamic PSD corresponding to the growing precipitates.

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ISSN: 1600-5767
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