Figure 4
Pseudo-precession photographs of diffraction data from the gMod3 crystal (see Table 1 ). Diffraction data, main reflections and satellites, were integrated using Eval15 as described previously (Porta et al., 2011 ). In part (a) the 0kl plane is displayed with portions of the k axis, l axis and centre portion magnified. Systematic absences along k are highlighted with green ovals and along l with red circles. In the centre portion zoom, red rectangles highlight reflections where the satellites do not have equal intensity, green rectangles show where there is just a main reflection with no satellites, and blue rectangles show examples where the satellites extinguish the main reflection. Part (b) shows the h0l plane and part (c) the hk0 plane, with systematic absences along h circled in blue, along l highlighted with red arrows and along k with green ovals. To prepare these pseudo-precession photographs, the reflections were reindexed to a supercell using an Awk script to reindex the k reflections under the supercell condition k = 7k + 2m, where m is the satellite order (m = ±1 in this study). Reindexing the data into a supercell is illustrated in Fig. S1 of the supporting information. The reindexed reflections were converted to realistic pseudo-precession photographs with the MLFSOM software, which applies a point-spread function (Holton, 2008 ; Holton et al., 2012 ). |