Figure 1
Lattice disorder reveals the continuous molecular transform of photosystem II and aids direct structure determination. The top image shows the entire three-dimensional diffraction volume of crystalline photosystem II, including Bragg peaks (in white at the centre) and diffuse scattering (blue–green), originating from molecules that do not follow strict lattice symmetry (about 2 Å r.m.s. deviation). This diffuse signal permits direct structure determination, using iterative phase retrieval methods developed for coherent diffractive imaging. As can be seen, the diffuse scatter extends well beyond the resolution of the Bragg peaks, because the signal does not depend on crystal quality in the same way as the Bragg peaks do. The electron density map shows substantial improvements (bottom right) relative to the map derived from the Bragg peaks (shown on the bottom left). Image components courtesy of Henry Chapman and Oleksandr Yefanov, CFEL, Hamburg. |