Figure 2
Results of data evaluation using the IFT method (Glatter, 1980 ). (a) Volume- and number-weighted radii distribution derived from data set number 2, shown as blue and red lines, respectively. (b) Number-weighted radii, Rn,IFT, and widths of the size distribution, σn,IFT, as a function of the data set number (triangles and squares, respectively). Mean values of the data sets Rn,IFT = 2.82 (4) nm and σn,IFT = 0.67 (2) nm are shown as horizontal lines. (c) Box plot depicting the distribution of Rn,IFT and σn,IFT from the measurements. The horizontal line that forms the top of the box is the 75th percentile (Q1). The horizontal line that forms the bottom is the 25th percentile (Q3). The horizontal line within the box is the median value and the square corresponds to the mean value. The whiskers represent lower 5 and 95% values. (d) Volume-weighted radii, Rv,IFT, and widths of the size distribution, σv,IFT, as a function of the data set number (triangles and spheres, respectively). Mean values of the data sets Rv,IFT = 3.22 (4) nm and σv,IFT = 0.71 (5) nm are shown as horizontal lines. (e) Box plot of the distribution of Rv,IFT and σv,IFT from the measurements. Results are summarized in Table S2. |