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Figure 15
Measurement of vanadium with λ = 4.9 Å, d = 1.111 m, (left) with ω = 0 and (right) with rotated detector ω = 20°. (Top) Two-dimensional data, (a), (c) before and (b), (d) after applying the geometric corrections presented in this contribution. (Bottom) The corresponding azimuthally averaged data, (e), (g) before and (f), (h) after applying corrections (the classic solid-angle correction is shown for reference, and the instrument geometry effects presented in this contribution are shown for comparison, without and with sample effects). Intensities are normalized by eye to 1. The raw data were additionally evaluated in sectors, as indicated in the figure. For ω = 0, the normalized curve has a range of ImaxImin = 1.0159 − 0.9716 = 4.4%. For ω = 20°, the range is ImaxImin = 1.0232 − 0.9697 = 5.4%.

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