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Figure 1
Configurations of microfluidic SANS for phase mapping (top row) and flow processing (bottom row). (a) Schematic of a continuous-flow and a droplet mixer, where a large (∼10 mm) neutron beam (shown in red) illuminates a number (10–20) of microchannels. (b) Patterns of radially averaged scattering intensity of a surfactant solution at acquisition times down to 0.1 s (data shifted vertically for clarity). (c) Rapid contrast variation with a nanoparticle suspension in 120 steps of 10 s at a flow rate of 0.1 ml min−1 (Adamo et al., 2017BB1). (d) Serial dilution in droplet microfluidics of a nanoparticle suspension (Ludox HS-40) in 120 steps of 5 s at a flow rate of 0.075 ml min−1 with a fluorinated oil carrier [adapted from Adamo et al. (2018BB2) by permission of The Royal Society of Chemistry]. (e) Contraction–expansion geometry with a 500 µm neutron beam scanning the flow field. (f) Scattering intensity of a CTAC/pentanol/D2O mixture at 5 min and 1 s acquisitions. (g) Two-dimensional and radially averaged scattering of SDS/brine/octanol in an opposing jet (extensional) geometry and (h) through the first constriction of the illustrated device; adapted with permission from Lopez et al. (2015BB55) under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License,

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