Figure 3
(a) Diffraction patterns from 0.3 µm Lindé α-Al2O3 (Co Kα1, 40 kV, 30 mA, incident-beam Ge(111) monochromator, 10 × 10 mm illuminated sample area). Reading from the bottom up: (i) in a standard sample holder, i.e. outside of the cold stage; (ii) in the cold stage at room temperature; (iii) at 80 K, with the sample loaded at room temperature [temperature profile on loading shown in Fig. 2 (a)]; (iv) at 80 K, with the sample immersed in liquid nitrogen and loaded into a sample carrier that had also been cooled in liquid nitrogen [temperature profile on loading shown in Fig. 2 (b)]; and (v) the difference between (iv) and (iii). The same counting time (191 min) was used for (ii)–(iv); pattern (i), which was counted for 53 min, has been scaled to give approximately the same peak heights in the figure. Patterns (ii)–(v) have been offset vertically for clarity. (b) As for panel (a), but with the vertical scale increased and only patterns (iii), (iv) and their difference (v) shown. The position of the five strongest reflections from ice Ih (two of which are partially overlapped by reflections from alumina) are marked as vertical bars, with heights proportional to the intensities given in ICDD (International Centre for Diffraction Data; database entry 01-085-0857, after Dowell & Rinfret (1960 ). |