Figure 4
Le Bail refinement of a sample consisting of a mixture of MgGeO3 (both clinopyroxene and ilmenite polymorphs) and MgO at 60 K. The data were collected with Co Kα1 radiation (40 kV, 30 mA) and an incident-beam Ge(111) monochromator. The total scan time was 120 min. A constant area of the sample of 10 × 8.5 mm was illuminated and the data were then corrected to fixed-divergence slit geometry using software supplied by the manufacturer of the diffractometer (PANalytical). Observed data points are shown in red, the calculated diffraction pattern in green and the difference curve in pink. The reflection markers are for (from the bottom up) MgGeO3, clinopyroxene phase; MgGeO3, ilmenite phase; MgO. |