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Figure 2
(a) Side view of the [(\overline{2}01)] stacking structure. Atomic position indices a, b and c: in-plane positions of O ions and Ga ions in the GaO6 unit; α, β and γ: Ga ions in the GaO4 unit. (b) In-plane structure of octahedral Ga ions at the c positions on the underlying O ions at the a positions. The shortest unit translation vector, [{\bf b}_{1} = {\bf AB}], and the second shortest vectors, [{\bf b}_{2} ={\bf AC}] and [{\bf b}^{{\prime}}_{2} = {{\bf A}^{{\prime}}{\bf C}^{{\prime}}}], are shown. (c) Possible dissociation of dislocations with Burgers vectors of [{\bf b}_{1}] and [{\bf b}_{2}] shown in (b). VGa represents the vacancy site in the Ga layer in the GaO6 unit.

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