Figure 4
Light-induced changes in WAXS data collected from phytochromes. (a) log[I(q)] versus log(q) SAXS/WAXS scattering for phytochromes. The red line was recorded after samples were illuminated with 780 nm light whereas the blue line was recorded after samples were illuminated with 660 nm light. The plot shows data collected for 16 000 s at the rate of 12 s exposure per frame. The influence of the beam stop is seen as a sharp drop in the X-ray scattering intensity at very low q. (b) Difference WAXS scattering signal recovered from phytochromes (red line): ΔI(q) = I(q)Pfr − I(q)Pr, after samples were illuminated with 780 or 660 nm light. The difference WAXS scattering due to heating (blue line): ΔI(q) = I(q)IR − I(q)dark, where IR light of 1470 nm was used to heat the samples without initiating the light-driven conformational change. (c) Difference WAXS signal qΔI(q) showing data recorded from phytochromes before (red) and after (black) the influence of heating was removed from the signal. For comparison, similar data that were recorded at the cSAXS beamline of the SLS are shown (blue). |