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Figure 4
(a) Data collected at various different center wavelengths for CsLaNb2O7, showing the difference in data range, resolution and intensity as described in Table 1[link] for 60 Hz data only. Shorter wavelengths provide information at much shorter d spacing (higher Q). (b) Selected region of the data showing that the longer wavelengths provide better resolution and statistics. (c)–(e) Rietveld refinement of LaB6 (SRM 660b) using center wavelengths of 0.8, 1.5 and 2.665 Å in the high-resolution mode. The light-blue dots are the observed intensity, the navy-blue line is the calculated intensity, and also shown are the difference plot and tick markers. The values of full width at half-maximum reported in Fig. 6[link] are obtained from these fits. The overall goodness parameters for all three histograms are Rwp = 6.84% and χ2 = 4.48.

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