Figure 7
Examples of evaluated data. Upper part: Polymer dendrimer solution (Lederer & Kruteva, 2016 ) data collected at the SNS-NSE instrument using a 5–8 Å neutron wavelength frame, four settings of the nominal scattering angle (3.71, 7.31, 12.4 and 19.8°) and a total of 15 settings of the field integral J between 10−4 and 0.5 T m (11 normal and four short-time mode). Lower part: SDS micellar solution data collected at the J-NSE Phoenix spectrometer using 8 Å (20% FWHM) neutrons and four settings of the nominal scattering angle (see Fig. 10 ). Shown are normal (left) and coarse-grained (right) F(Q, t) histogramming of the same data, obtained as part of a default data reduction scheme presented to the user at the end of the evaluation run. Lines are stretched exponential fits drawn to guide the eye. |