Figure 7
DatView comparison plots of indexing results from four different indexing conditions for SFX data from CXIDB ID 40 (Fenalti et al., 2015 ; White, Barty et al., 2016 ). The entire data set was processed with the original (published) integration radii of 3, 4, 5 pixels, then 2, 4, 5 pixels, 3, 5, 7 pixels and the CrystFEL default integration radii of 4, 5, 7 pixels. (a) An aggregated plot across equivalent frames showing the average cell volume grouped by processing. (b) A 2D histogram showing the apparent change in unit-cell volume when indexing with the integration radii (3, 4, 5 pixels) from the scripts downloaded from CXIDB and the default integration radii (4, 5, 7 pixels). |