Figure 2
Packing diagrams for CSD refcode SUGCEC (Mochida et al., 1992 ). (a) Unedited, presented in the original space group of C2/c with symmetry elements displayed. Note that the molecule lies on a twofold axis parallel to the b axis. (b) Unedited, with molecules coloured by symmetry operation (other than centring) and symmetry elements shown. (c) Edited to the subgroup C2, setting 1, origin choice [0, 0, 1/4], with symmetry elements displayed. (d) Edited to the subgroup C2, with molecules coloured by symmetry operation (other than centring). Transforming to C2 from space group C2/c retains only the twofold axes of the space group and increases the number of formula units in the asymmetric unit to two. |