Figure 5
SESANS data for α-Fe2O3 powder. (a) PSES flat for k = 1.7 and 2.3 Å−1 for the flat quartz glass container without sample (empty), and with sample normalized by the empty container data. The maximum z for a given maximum precession field B scales ∼1/k2. The blue open circles show the k = 2.3 Å−1 data scaled to k = 1.7 Å−1 by equation (30) . These scaled data coincide with the experimental data for k = 1.7 Å−1. (b) PSES for the flat and cylindrical containers at k = 2.3 Å−1. Pflat calc is the polarization calculated for the flat sample geometry by taking the PSES cyl data [equation (35) ], and vice versa for PSES cyl calc [equation (32) ]. The data for the cylindrical (flat) container are plotted as blue triangles (red circles). Solid symbols show measured data, while open symbols are calculations. The error bars in the measured values are smaller than the symbols. |