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Figure 4
Small-angle X-ray scattering from mesophases formed by hydrated monoolein at different temperatures and GDN concentrations. Data are shown as scattered X-ray intensity (normalized to the highest value in the plot) versus scattering angle (2θ) in degrees. (a) Cubic Pn3m phase (P) at 20°C and 10 mM GDN. (b) Cubic Ia3d (I) phase at 30°C and 20 mM GDN. (c) Cubic Pn3m/cubic Ia3d phase coexistence at 15°C and 20 mM GDN. (d) Cubic Ia3d/Lα phase coexistence at 0°C and 100 mM GDN. Lα (L) is the dominant phase. (e) Cubic Ia3d/Lα phase coexistence at 35°C and 100 mM GDN. The cubic Ia3d phase dominates. (f) Phase identification, indexing and lattice parameter determination is illustrated for data in panels (a), (b) and (d). Key: d(hkl), experimentally determined d-spacing value; h, k, l, Miller indices of Bragg reflections. The slope of the line of best fit is the lattice parameter of the phase with corresponding values of 162.1, 106.7 and 59.6 Å for the cubic Ia3d, cubic Pn3m and Lα phases, respectively.

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