Figure 4
Comparison of background scattering between the MCC and LCP injector containing proteinase K crystals. (a) This image presents the X-ray diffraction quality of the tiny proteinase K crystals (5 × 5 × 5 µm crystals). The resolution reaches approximately 4 Å. The polyimide tube shows diffuse X-ray scattering at approximately 15 Å. (b) The LCP system shows high X-ray scattering at approximately 4.0 Å. A small area outside of the assembled chips in the Rayonix MX225-HS shows a hardware issue, i.e. the analogue-to-digital unit (ADU) values are saturated (shown by the rectangular black box). (c) Comparison of background scattering when X-rays hit the polyimide tube and monoolein-containing sample. As shown in panels (a) and (b), the scattering noise from our method is strongly reduced compared with that from the LCP injector. |