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Figure 8
(a) The result of the refinement of 399 atomic parameters (positions, atomic displacement parameters, site-occupancy factors), 20 parameters being moments of the distributions plus two others (phasonic bph and extinction). A Gaussian Debye–Waller factor was used alongside the second-moment approximation. The agreement factor R = 6.08%. (b) The result of the refinement of 399 atomic parameters (positions, atomic displacement parameters, site-occupancy factors), 20 parameters being moments of the distributions and extinction. A Gaussian Debye–Waller factor was not used in the refinement, only the second-moment approximation. The agreement factor R = 6.73%. The final atomic decoration is plotted for two rhombuses. The shown atomic decoration is a projection of the decoration for two classes of rhombuses and two layers. Blue denotes Al atoms, green Cu and red Rh. The rhombus edge length is 17.19 Å.

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