Figure 8
The diatom's reference image. The linear greyscale colour map ranges from 0.92 (black) to 1.08 (white). The reconstructed area outside of the diatom's region of interest has been masked. The demagnified pixel area is 93 × 93 nm. The field of view of the image is 122 × 120 µm (1320 × 1290 pixels). Fine details in the sub-structure of the diatom are visible in this phase-contrast projection image, which are otherwise obscured by the surface of the sample in scanning electron micrograph images. (Top right) Magnified image map of a subregion of the diatom. The field of view is 95 × 107 µm (414 × 466 pixels), with a demagnified pixel area of 24 × 24 nm. The small blue rectangle indicates the scale of the inset with respect to the larger image of the diatom. |