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Figure 1
(a) Sample orientation view (in real space), common to both EXEQ and InEXEQ. The sample is in the centre and the red shapes away from the sample indicate the usable area of the detector. The conventional [{\bf u}] and [{\bf v}] are shown together with the [{\bf u}_{B}] and [{\bf v}_{B}] (labelled Bu and Bv, respectively) used as user input. The configuration shown here corresponds to the largest possible angle of magnet rotation, and to the maximum instrument coverage. (b) The Ewald construction showing the coverage of the instrument corresponding to the detector positions shown above. The dashed lines indicate the magnet cone limits (in real space), affecting the accessible detector area, and the circles indicate the limits of the wavelength band. The covered range (in reciprocal space) is marked in green, and the range blocked by the magnet cone in checkered grey. (c) The reciprocal-space coverage calculated with EXEQ for a cubic sample using the orientation shown above. The grey area outside the contour indicates the shadowed part of the detector.

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