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Figure 7
Packing diagram for hexaaquacopper(II) 2,3,5,6-tetra­fluoro­benzene-1,4-di­sulfonate (CSD refcode AQOXIO; Muesmann et al., 2011BB32) viewed down [010]. Layers of cations parallel to (001) develop in a direction perpendicular to the plane of the figure and are held together by dianionic bridges (hydrogen-bond acceptors) and cations (hydrogen-bond donors and acceptors). The dihedral angle between the plane of the copper atoms and the least-squares plane through the C6F4S2 units is 50°. Direct and strong cation–cation hydrogen bonds provide [100] chains with O⋯O distances of 2.67 Å and O—H⋯O angles of 173.6°. The copper cations display a relevant Jahn–Teller distortion with four short (1.948 and 1.979 Å) and two long (2.380 Å) Cu—OH2 bond distances.

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