Figure 2
Schematic view of usable space with the device. A side view of one well of a 3-lens 96-well MRC low-profile crystallization plate (purple) is shown without or with the frame (gray). The half circle inside the plate represents one of the lenses of the crystallization plate. Usually the protein crystals will be located towards the bottom of the lens, and thus the angle is measured from this point. As the user will usually choose to work from the side which is most comfortable and provides the largest space for manipulating and harvesting, the angles from the right side are compared. (a) Plate without the frame. The angle shown depicts the possible working angle without the frame of 54.6°. (b) With the frame (gray) placed on top of a crystallization plate, the angle slightly decreases to 52.2°. Using the frame, a reduction of only 2.4° in angular movement range has to be accepted by the experimenter. |