Figure 3
Microstructure of the investigated Fe21Mn58Al17Ni4 alloy. (a) SEM-BSE micrograph of the Fe21Mn58Al17Ni4 alloy quenched from 1473 K, depicting former austenite grains transformed during quenching (see text). The cracks were formed during sample preparation. (b) SEM-BSE micrograph [located in the middle of a grain in (a)] of the region of interest with areas (c) and (d) marked (red boxes). (c) EBSD phase map (left) and EBSD orientation map colored after cubic inverse pole figure coloring in the out-of-plane direction (right). The martensite is indexed using an f.c.c. structure (displayed in blue) and the austenite was indexed with a b.c.c. structure (red). Kikuchi patterns of austenite and martensite are marked with `A' and `M', respectively. (d) Electron channeling contrast imaging micrograph of a martensite lamella with visible linear contrasts. |