Figure 1
Working principle and overview of the µDrop Sample Changer. (a) Scheme of the instrument: the robotic arm (R) is equipped with a pipetting mechanism (P) that loads samples into the µDrop cell (µ). The drop is placed between two silicon plates (W) with X-ray-transparent windows, where it is held by surface tension. The X-ray beam (shown in red) passes through the windows, probing the sample. (b) Picture of a drop placed between the silicon nitride windows by pipetting from above (P). (c) Overview picture of the µDrop Sample Changer setup at the beamline. The X-ray path is shown by the red arrow. The robotic arm (R) takes samples from the sample trays (S) and moves them to the µDrop cell (µ). After the measurement the cell is automatically cleaned by dedicated hardware and the robot then places the next sample using a new tip taken from the tip trays (T). |