Figure 4
Dilution series of BSA. (a) Averaged scattering patterns of different concentrations, vertically shifted for clarity. (b) Rg and (c) I(0) (normalized by the average of each concentration) as extracted from the individual measurements via Guinier fit. Due to the aggregation of the BSA, Guinier fitting could not be done in the recommended region of . The shown values come from fitting a region (q = 0.48–0.70 nm−1) that is linear in the Guinier plot. While the individual Rg values show a strong fluctuation at low concentrations, the averages for each concentration, shown in green, are very consistent. The literature value (Mylonas & Svergun, 2007 ) is given by the black line. In (c) also , the scattering intensity integrated over q = 3–5 nm−1, is shown (normalized by the average of each concentration), highlighting the stability also in the high-q range. |