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Figure 8
(a) A horizontal cut at beam height through the three multiple-position sample blocks used in the Section 5[link] measurements. Materials in the blocks are color coded as aluminium (blue), amorphous silica (black), plastic (red) and shielding (green). Only block positions 1 to 3 are shown and the neutron beam position 2 in the measurements is indicated by the red arrows. (b) A plot of the scattering from a 1 mm thickness of water corrected for empty-cell and beam-blocked backgrounds obtained by inserting the same three cells into the same block position, second from the end, in all three different sample holders at room temperature: 10CB block (black), 9CB (blue) and 9P (green). The open blue circles for the 9CB device were obtained by adding a Cd shielding sheet on the detector side of the block.

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