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Figure 3
(a) Electron-density contrast of a planar bilayer patch (orange dashed line) and an 8 nm vesicle (blue solid line) of POPC lipids obtained by MD simulations, and fitted curves using equation (1)[link] (dashed–dotted lines). The difference between vesicle and planar membrane electron densities is shown by the green dotted line. (b) Anti-symmetric, d0/R0Δρa(d) (red dashed line), and symmetric, (d0/R0)2Δρs(d) (violet solid line), responses of the electron density to curvature (green dotted line). (c) Electron-density model of a vesicle of arbitrary radius R0 > 8 nm, as given by equation (2)[link]. (d) Electron-density contrast of vesicles with R0 = 8 nm and R0 = 30 nm obtained with the curvature-dependent model, equation (2)[link] (blue and red dashed lines, respectively), and the curvature-independent three-Gaussian model, equation (4)[link] (blue and red solid lines, respectively).

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