Figure 7
(a) Simulated SAXS scattering intensity I(q) of an ideally thin spherical vesicle of radius R0 = 30 nm (solid blue line), an ensemble of polydisperse vesicles σR = 0.1 (orange dashed line), an ensemble of thermally fluctuating vesicle shapes κ = 10kBT and lmax = 6 (green dashed–dotted line), and an ensemble with both size polydispersity and thermal fluctuations (red dotted line). (b) Ratio of the simulated scattering intensity of polydisperse but purely spherical vesicles ISP(q) (orange, σR = 0.1) and of vesicles showing only thermal fluctuations ITF(q) (green, κ = 10kBT) to the intensity of an ensemble with both contributions, Iboth(q). |