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Figure 9
(a) SAXS data for 30 nm extruded DOPC:DOPE (1:1) vesicles in ultra-pure water (black circles), with least-squares fits (solid lines) to the analytical model according to Brzustowicz & Brunger (2005BB2) (orange) and to simulated and tabulated scattering curves computed for fluctuating vesicles according to the present method (red). The inset shows the respective EDPs, in both cases modelled by three Gaussians (head group, tail region, head group). (b) SAXS data for DOPC:DOPS (1:1) vesicles suspended in 4 mM glucose solution (black circles) to induce a vesicle shape deformation by osmotic pressure. Again, the fit to the Brzustowicz & Brunger model (orange) is compared with the present approach (red), and the corresponding EDPs are shown in the inset. The fitting parameters are summarized in Table 4[link].

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