Figure 6
AeGe DPP8 treatments. Left: X-ray diffraction comparison of DPP8 native state, in-house X-ray source data (top), and after spraying, vitrified state, synchrotron data (bottom). Right: binary projections of a DPP8 crystal treated with 1G244 inhibitor, same orientation. The change in crystal shape before and after spraying indicates crystal instability and melting due to the detrimental effect of DMSO and 1G244 on the crystal structure. The dashed lines highlight that the crystal did not shrink/melt in the horizontal direction. For each ligand 10–15 crystals were used for method development and setting starting conditions (e.g. humidity, solvents, dehydration range). Five crystals were treated and sent to the synchrotron, yielding diffraction data up to 3–4 Å resolution (75% soaking success). |