Figure 13
The effect of satellites on cell parameters. Relative changes in the (a) a and (b) c parameters. (c) The relative change in unit-cell volumes. The blue and purple columns show data of the neutron-irradiated cladding and channel material specimens. (Note that both Δa/a and Δc/c are expansions, except in the case of the lower-dose neutron-irradiated channel material specimen and the specimen proton-irradiated at 280°C to 2.3 dpa.) (d) The area average mean size 〈x〉area of vacancy-type loops obtained from the median m and variance σ of the log-normal size distribution function in the satellite profile function for the proton- and neutron-irradiated Zircaloy-2 specimens. The green columns show data of the specimens proton-irradiated to 2.3 dpa at different temperatures. The red columns show data of the specimens proton-irradiated to different dose levels at 350°C. The blue and purple columns show data of the neutron-irradiated cladding and channel material specimens. |