Figure 5
(a) A schematic image of a prismatic vacancy-type SDL, where b is the Burgers vector, D is the loop diameter, the `T's indicate edge dislocation and the polar coordinates follow the notation of Kroupa (1960). Open squares indicate vacancies, vertical black lines indicate lattice planes, and the light-red and light-blue areas show the volume and the affected regions of the loop, respectively. (b) The displacement field of a vacancy-type prismatic SDL of 20b diameter, D = 20b, at different heights, z/D, from the plane of the loop. (c) The trace of the strain tensor, , of vacancy-type prismatic SDLs of three different diameters: D = 4b (red line), 20b (dashed blue line) and 60b (dashed–dotted green line). Both the displacements and the values were calculated using the equations of Kroupa (1960) with Poisson's number for Zr (Weck et al., 2015). |