Figure 9
(a) Enlarged sections of measured (open circles) and CMWP-calculated (red lines) patterns, on a logarithmic intensity scale, of Zircaloy-2 specimens proton-irradiated to 2.3 dpa at 280, 350 and 450°C. For clarity the patterns are shifted vertically. NI stands for the `non-irradiated' specimen. [In order to make the figure clearer, not all measured points (open circles) are shown in the plots.] (b) Open squares are the CMWP-provided dislocation densities ρ, and open circles and triangles are the instrumental corrected integral breadths β and FWHMs of the (10.3) peaks, plotted versus irradiation temperature. The lines are only to guide the eye. (The horizontal arrows refer to the different scales on the left and right.) |