Figure 4
Scattering cross sections in absolute units obtained from the reduction of data collected in TOF mode: H2O and D2O samples with different thicknesses ts at 298 K (a) and with a thickness of ts = 1 mm at different temperatures (b); BSA solution in D2O (symbols), together with the D2O solvent alone (lines) (c); and BSA in solution after the correction for the D2O contribution (d). The lines in (a) and (b) are results obtained from the data collected over the full TOF spectrum, while the symbols correspond to data analysed only in the elastic region. The results in (c), obtained by reducing the data collected at different LD for different ts considering either the full TOF spectrum or only the elastic region, are differentiated by colours or lateral indications. The data in (d) are shown together with the result of a conventional SANS measurement (green line), while the inset in (d) shows the TOF spectra from the BSA solution in D2O and D2O alone. |