Figure 2
(a) An exploded representation of the I19 ELF cell including the following component parts: (1) 3D-printed bracket holding electrodes in position, (2) kinematic base for easy mounting, (3) Elliot Scientific/Martock MDE269 micropositioner stage for electrode–crystal alignment, (4) 3D-printed mounting block, (5) magnetic mount, (6) magnetic goniometer base with (7a) sample electrode 1 attached, (7b) electrode 2 and (8) brass electrode holder. (b) The assembled I19 ELF cell. (c) A photograph of the I19 ELF cell mounted on the I19-2 diffractometer with (9), (10) grounding and (11) high-voltage wires attached. (12) Cryostream in position for in situ temperature control (80–500 K). (13) An example crystal [dimensions: 0.60 (1) × 0.60 (1) × 0.20 (1) mm] mounted between electrodes. |