Figure 7
Quantification of the crystallographic signal quality within the experimental data set of the aluminium bicrystal (Wei et al., 2019 ). (a) Our methods quantify that the crystallographic signal is strongest in the pole regions. (b), (c), (d) Comparison of the signature of (b) the reference (a synthetic aluminium single crystal) with observations for ROIs with (c) a particularly good (strong signature) or (d) a particularly poor (weak signature) signal quality. Thresholding via the image difference reveals that only for ROIs along the pole regions [turquoise–blue tube in panel (a)] are the signatures strong enough to pick up crystallographic information. Due to strong lateral distortions, not all of the expected peaks from the theoretical signature appear, even in the good signatures. Therefore, it is possible to output only information about the possible orientation fibres, not the specific orientation. |