Figure 4
(a) As-measured PDFs of α-quartz, offset with increasing pressure. (b) Corrected PDFs and their corresponding RMC fits (black lines). Fourier ripples are present and modelled between the first two sample peaks at 1.60 and 2.62 Å. (c) Expanded region of (b) showing the 1–4 Å region more clearly. (d) Comparisons of the as-measured and corrected 1.60 and 2.62 Å PDF peaks, highlighting the effect of ME on the relative peak intensities. The as-measured PDFs have been scaled to aid visual comparison. (e) Si—O—Si bond angle distributions from RMC models, corresponding to deformation of the α-quartz structure, with the horizontal arrow indicating angle distribution progression with increasing pressure. The left-hand inset shows the crystal structure connectivity of the SiO4 units, and the right-hand inset shows an approximate mode of deformation. |