Figure 2
Single-crystal diffraction patterns of agrinierite and rameauite. (a) Simulated h1l layer of the reciprocal space of agrinierite. Reflections from all domains overlap completely (i.e. `hidden twinning') due to twinning by metric merohedry and generate an F-centered (pseudo)orthorhombic pattern (the black array corresponds to the unit cell given by the previous structure determination). (b) Reciprocal space reconstruction (UNWARP tool) of the h1l layer from the experimental data for agrinierite. (c) Simulated h1l layer of the reciprocal space of rameauite. Reflections for the two main domains overlap only partially, due to twinning by reticular merohedry. The array corresponds to the supercell. (d) Reciprocal space reconstruction (UNWARP tool) of the h1l layer from the experimental data for rameauite. |